The Potain tower crane MD 285 B, owned by INSO SpA, arrived last December at the Imola Gru workshop, and after a complete overhaul, set off in the direction of Serbia.
It had arrived from Malta, transported on six articulated lorries, which were also needed for its subsequent transfer to Serbia. The loading was carried out in record time by the Imola Gru staff, who, with the help of a mobile crane with a 38 tonne payload, loaded the various parts of the machine.
The MD 285 B is a crane with a 70 metre boom and a maximum payload of 12 tonnes, and it was thoroughly inspected and repaired, with interventions on various parts of the machine, restoring its functioning, efficiency, and safe operation. Rollers, pulleys, carriages, cables, tower and boom, motors and winches, slewing ring, resistors, radio control, all its parts were accurately inspected, and repaired or substituted when necessary. A complete servicing that will guarantee maximum productivity for the owner with intensive use of the machine.
Our equipment, our skills, and the unique organisation of the Imola Gru workshop allow us to provide personalised and cutting-edge repair services, even on very challenging machines, leading to greatly reduced time and investment when compared to interventions on site.